Action first, confidence second!
And not the other way around. Waiting for Success Is Holding You Back.
👋 Hi, It’s Ritika and welcome to the 65th edition.
How often have you said to yourself: "Once I get that big client, then I'll feel confident." Or, "After we raise funding, then we'll be ready to launch or build this product." Or perhaps, "When I have the right people on my team, that's when we'll really succeed."
Sound familiar?
I’ve been there, and I’ve watched countless founders fall into this seductive trap. Here’s the thing—this backward approach might be the very reason you’re stuck where you are right now.
Let me share a personal story that taught me this lesson the hard way. Years ago, I was building a tech product, convinced I needed the "perfect" setup: $100k in funding, a dream team, and a fully functional product that customers would be eager to use. I obsessed over these prerequisites, believing they were the keys to success. But despite having everything I thought I needed, confidence was nowhere to be found. And customers? They were even harder to find.
Here’s what I wish I’d known then: Confidence doesn’t come with your funding check or your tenth employee. You build confidence by going all in with whatever resources you have right now.
Confidence isn’t a reward that arrives after you’ve "made it"—it’s the muscle you build along the journey. Every time you send that scary email, make that intimidating sales call, or launch something before it feels "perfect," you’re not just taking action—you’re literally rewiring your brain for confidence.
Take my first public speaking experience as an example. I was invited to give a guest lecture—something I’d never done before. My hands were shaking, my voice trembling, and my confidence was... let’s just say "under construction." But I did it anyway. Was it perfect? Far from it. But the second time I spoke? I was a little steadier. The third time? Even better. Each imperfect attempt strengthened that confidence muscle in a way no amount of preparation ever could.
If you keep focusing solely on the destination, you’ll make the journey much harder. The real magic happens when you realize that confidence is a practice—it’s part of the journey itself:
Instead of waiting to feel ready to make that sales call, make the call to become ready.
Instead of waiting for the perfect product, launch your imperfect one and let customer feedback guide you.
Instead of waiting for confidence to find you, build it through deliberate action.
Every time you push through discomfort—every email you send despite the butterflies, every pitch you make despite the doubt, every small step forward despite the uncertainty—you are building the foundation of genuine confidence.
And here's the beautiful part: this growing confidence becomes the rocket fuel that propels your business forward.
Stop waiting for success to give you permission to feel confident.
Start taking imperfect actions today, knowing that each step forward, no matter how small, strengthens the confidence muscle that will carry you toward your goals.
Remember: Action first, confidence second. Not the other way around.
Thanks for reading! Until next time!
Ritika 👋
🚨PS: I’m open for conducting 5 marketing audits for B2B companies 👉 start here or download our self driven Marketing Audit System.
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